
German-French-Italian-English dictionary of plant names and technical terms used in the NFI.

use of forest resources

Extraction of wood and trees (through silvicultural interventions) or of other forest resources (e.g. resin and seeds).


Nutzung, forstliche

Entnahme von Bäumen und Holz (durch waldbauliche Eingriffe) oder von anderen Waldressourcen (z.B. Harz, Samen).


exploitation forestière

Prélèvement de bois et d’arbres (par des interventions sylvicoles) ou d’autres ressources forestières (p.ex. résine, graines).


utilizzazione forestale

Prelievo di legname ed alberi (nell'ambito di interventi selvicolturali) oppure di altre risorse del bosco (es. resina, semi).